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Aktuelle Version:

Automotive File Explorer ver.

AFE Online Installer

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Release Notes - Automotive File Explorer

January 09, 2024

  • NetConfig - Improvement on IDs display in hexadecimal/decimal format for NCF files
  • NetConfig - Improvement on DBC/LDF export functionality
  • NetConfig - Added bookmarks feature to save paths to element as easily accessible points
  • NetConfig - Improvement on value tables for signals when ARXML imported
  • NetConfig - Extended PDU Layout, data are now editable
  • NetConfig - Improvement on signal name modification and refreshing the tree view
  • NetConfig - Added support for creation of optional attributes for DBC signals/messages
  • NetConfig - Fixed refreshing tree after edition of signals/PDUs names
  • NetConfig - Improvement on exporting file with edited values of bit size/start bit in PDU Layout
  • Autosar View - Fixed file information display
  • Autosar View - Added bookmarks feature to save paths to element as easily accessible points
  • Autosar View - Disabled edition of property column
  • Extended View - Fixed file information display
  • Extended View - Improvement on XPath usage with last() command
  • Extended View - Improvement on selecting unresolved references
  • XCP - Created tables for if_data structures from A2L files
  • XCP - GUI adjustments for extended XCP interface, added new graphic for icons, extended Legend
  • XCP - Added modules to XCP tree view
  • XCP - Implemented advanced search feature for XCP tab
  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Added bookmarks feature to save paths to element as easily accessible points
  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Added name validation when creating new ECU, functional class or service with short name/long name view
  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Fixed modifying parameters values in requests/positive/negative responses of services
  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Improvement on exporting selected ECU to XADE file when path contains special characters
  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Improvement on UDS Message Layout
  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Improvement on editing parameters names of services with validation
  • Negative Response Codes - Implemented advanced search feature for NRC tab
  • Diagnostic Trouble Codes - Improvement on exporting selected ECUs to CSV
  • Improvement on selecting recent files and loading them to AFE, added new option to Settings for specifying load option of recent files
  • Improvement on saving current workspace of AFE when changes made - workspace files are now with .afew extension and are possible to select from Recent files
  • Improvements on GUI
  • Extension and improvements of Advanced Search feature within all tabs
  • Integration with Automotive File Database

Release Notes - Automotive File Explorer

October 27, 2023

  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Added UDS Message Layout functionality for CDD/ODX/PDX

  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Improvement on displaying and edition of request’s parameters values with validation

  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Added description browser section to display service description

  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Improvement on refreshing service tree after change in service displaying method (PDX/ODX)

  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Added information to request/postive/negative response sections if reference link is broken and no data can be displayed. Marked services with broken references in the tree view

  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Improvement on creation of new service

  • Unified Diagnostic Services - Improvement on displaying request/positive/negative response data for services if more parameters are given

  • Extended View - CDD references are expanded (by double click) when reference item also has chilren

  • NetConfig - Improvement on PDU Layout colors, added possibility to change color set

  • NetConfig - Added contained PDUs view (ARXML)

  • NetConfig - Added new element for displaying schedule tables and delay information (LDF)

  • NetConfig - Added support for DBC/LDF/NCF data edition and exporting edited content

  • NetConfig - Added support for defining new attributes for DBC

  • NetConfig - Added Undo/Redo feature while editing DBC/LDF data

  • NetConfig - Handled dynamically calculated values after data edition (DBC/LDF)

  • NetConfig - Added tooltips when doing forbidden attributes edition (DBC/LDF/NCF)

  • NetConfig - Improvement on displaying 4.2.2 ARXML files data (value tables section)

  • NetConfig - Improvement on GUI data edition

  • Diagnostic Trouble Codes - One common node for all empty ECUs if no DTCs available

  • XCP - Added new tab for XCP module handling

  • Added workspace feature to save and load user settings and added/edited files

  • Added bookmarks feature to save paths to element as easily accessible points (DTC tab)

  • Added clear log possibility

  • Added advanced search feature which allows to search within UDS, NetConfig, Autosar, Extended Viewtabs

  • Improvement on searching values with finder feature (full match searching)

  • Updated installer to online installation (search for available software updates)

  • Improvement on PDX exporting to XML RAW

  • Improvement on Settings dialog for changing configuration & extended log output when settings changed

  • Extended log information output when specific actions are done by user

  • Improvement on displaying and encoding special letters, fixed loading files from paths with UTF-8 encoding

  • ARXML files loading optimization

  • Code simplification and optimization fixes

  • Integration with Automotive File Database


Release Notes - Automotive File Explorer

July 10, 2023

  • Fixes in license management

  • Added possibility to edit attributes of DBC/LDF content in NetConfig

  • Optimisation of ARXML reading

  • Extended CDD, PDX, ODX import

  • More detailed logs about issues in loaded files


Release Notes - Automotive File Explorer

April 17, 2023

  • NetConfig - Added new feature related to handling NCF files and displaying data from NCF files

  • NetConfig - Handled new information from LDF files such as Configured NAD, P2 min, ST min and so on

  • NetConfig - Handled reading signal name from Interaction Layer from ARXML files

  • NetConfig – Added support of container and contained PDUs

  • Universal Diagnostic Services - Added option to display extended service’s names in Settings

  • Universal Diagnostic Services - Added column with new attribute of Data Type from CDD/PDX/ODX files

  • Universal Diagnostic Services - Added possibility to export DTC data to CSV file

  • Extended View - Added ‘Go to parent’ option to simplify reviewing complex ARXML files

  • Universal Diagnostic Services – Improvement on displaying DTC information and negative response codes from CDD/PDX files

  • Universal Diagnostic Services - Improvement on handling parameters with specific bit length and delivering services from CDD files

  • Universal Diagnostic Services - Improvement on processing values of parameters in services from OXD files

  • NetConfig – Improvement on transmission mode, processing byte order, units, PDU IDs from ARXML files

  • NetConfig – Improvement on handling incorrect PDU IDs from ARXML files and on displaying PDU’s properties depended on CAN cluster

  • Improvement on displaying and encoding special letters

  • Improvement on export module



Release Notes - Automotive File Explorer

February 10, 2023


  • Added status dialog with logs while importing files

  • Extended View - Added user-friendly options for adjusting Extended View tab

  • Extended View - Added possibility of editing Arxml files

  • Improvement on GUI

  • Universal Diagnostic Services – Improvement on byte positions, bit length, values of negative responses' IDs from ODX files

  • Universal Diagnostic Services – Handled components of parameters for CDD files

  • Universal Diagnostic Services – Improvement on finding references for tables in ODX files

  • Universal Diagnostic Services – Improvement on multiple similar names and IDs of services

  • Autosar View - Disabled empty, unused nodes in Autosar View


Release Notes - Automotive File Explorer

May 4, 2022


  • Improvement on Load Folder feature

  • Optimization for building Autosar View

  • NetConfig – Update for handling DBC attributes, added new functions to process unhandled data, improvement on displaying general signal start value and general message cycle time and other attributes from DBC files

  • NetConfig – Improvement on supporting comments section in DBC files

  • Universal Diagnostic Services – Improvement on editing service’s values

  • Universal Diagnostic Services – Improvement on processing service’s values when Service sorting is enabled

  • Universal Diagnostic Services – Added support for ODX/PDX files of units/physical dimensions/linear conversion formula parameters

  • Universal Diagnostic Services – Improvement on displaying unhandled negative responses of the service for CDD files



Release Notes - Automotive File Explorer

April 10, 2022


  • Improvement on Legend feature

  • Optimization for loading DBC files

  • Added error handling if exists in DBC files

  • Added new errors and warnings handling if exists in LDF files

  • Extended View – Improvement on displaying values of children and parent’s nodes

  • NetConfig – Improvement on Unassign frame ID definition

  • NetConfig – Improvement on DBC attributes (description)

  • Universal Diagnostic Services – Improvement on PDX muxes data



Release Notes - Automotive File Explorer

March 11, 2022


  • Improvement on PDU Layout

  • Universal Diagnostic Services - Optimization for sorting and re-organizing data

  • User-friendly optimalization of GUI

  • Universal Diagnostic Services - Improvement on search feature by raw data

  • Added About Application information in new dialog

  • Optimization for building NetConfig view

  • Improvement on errors handling if exists in LDF files

  • Improvement on sorting depended on byte order, byte and bit position

  • Added support for DBC signal groups

  • Improvement on handling value tables of PDX files




Release Notes - Automotive File Explorer

September 13, 2021


  • Added automatic byte order setting

  • Handled new DBC attributes and writing it back to file

  • Handled adjusting parameters’ values and sorting according to byte and bit position

  • Improvement on extraction data from CDD/PDX/ODX files

  • Handled generating SDF file from LDF/DBC

  • Handled processing data from ARXML file

  • Handled new attributes and properties from ARXML files

  • Optimization for loading huge ARXML files




Release Notes - Automotive File Explorer

August 3, 2021


  • Handled resolving references in ODX files

  • Improvement on license

  • Handled xPath

  • General GUI improvements

  • Added find feature

  • Added editing mode with possibility to create new ECU

  • Added exporting data to DBC/LDF files

  • Added extracting ECUs

  • Handled NRC and DTC tab

  • Handled exporting/importing XADE files

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